Tuesday, August 31, 2010

September list

Seeing it in writing makes me feel like it's permanent....something I can't avoid. 

So here it is.

Finish yard project so the fence can be installed
a mix of blackberries, old fencing, glass and piles of dirt

Finish 3 more sewing projects from class
me and grits

Stop eating like an asshole
Although my diet may be better than most...I could lay off the dairy and sweets a bit

Swedish language 

although not my first choice...it's what Rick wants to learn so varför inte!

1 comment:

  1. I feel the same...one it's in writing I can't go back on it! I need to make the laptop bag for my new computer, asap. But I have the supplies for the pouch and the pot holder. Need to get on it!!


Thanks for stopping by, <3 Heidi


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